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Writing is an Art Form.

With a background in illustration, experience in video editing, and an insatiable love of literature, I'm an expert in storytelling.


Growing up, I once told my dad, "I want to read every book in the library!" Yeah... considering that there are 129,864,880 books and counting in circulation, that won't be happening any time soon.

So for now, I'm content with reading (and writing) anything I can get my eyes on, and that includes your ideas! Send me the details  and struggles you're facing in your brand or business, and let's work together to tell your story. Here are the services I offer. Check out the Case Studies for examples, or contact me for a specific quote!

More about me? I'm an artist, vegan, health and fitness nut, reader (duh), and gamer who loves hiking and biking. I am passionate about making the world a better place and want to work with others who have the same goal. If that's you, let's chat!

Rebecca Genin

Freelance Writer

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